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With people from many different religions and ethnicities in India, it is inevitable that some conflicts may arise due to conflicting beliefs between different groups of people. Especially in India with a population of 1.27 billion, there are many conflicts between the different groups. Some examples include:

· Hindu-Muslim conflict
There have been long lasting tensions between the Hindus and the Muslims ever since British established its rule in India which ultimately led to the partition of Indian and Pakistan (Foundation for Holistic Spirituality, N.A.). Being the 2 largest religious groups in India, the conflicts between these 2 religious groups are the most prevalent. Discrimination against Muslims exists in many levels throughout the country, namely the suppression of the Muslim status and widespread use of Hindu mythologies and symbols in textbooks, which have done much to provoke Muslim fear. Recent evidence of the police siding with the Hindus despite riots have further intensified feelings of hatred among the Hindus and Muslims for each other (Ashutosh, N.A.).

· Sikh-Hindu conflict in Punjab
In Punjab, Sikhs make up the majority of the state population, while Hindus are a minority, and communal tensions between the two ethnic groups have existed since the 1980s. Conflicts between these religious groups mainly arise from the Sikh’s wish of autonomy. Conflicts have led to assassinations of public figures and riots, spreading feelings of hatred and intensifying discrimination (Foundation for Holistic Spirituality, N.A.).

· Assam conflict
This refers to conflict between the Assamese, the Bengalis and the tribals, due to the illegal migration of Bengalis into Assam, creating shortages and constraints and thus leading to conflict. Mob violence have resulted in 4000 deaths, displaced 200,000 from their homes, and forced a larger number to leave the state for protection (Ashutosh, N.A.).

· Conflict between the Untouchables and the Brahmins
India’s system of social division, the historic caste system, causes interaction between people to be restricted to those of their own castes. This prevents social mobility, and weakens the unity between the people of the society, thus resulting in recent conflicts between the Untouchables (the lowest caste), and the Brahmins (the ruling class) (Foundation for Holistic Spirituality, N.A.).To learn more about the caste system, click here.

With a growing population, more conflicts are bound to come as there will be even more differing views. In recent years, there has been growing unhappiness among people of different castes and religious and ethnic groups, which is evident from unrest in the Indian society. 

Conflicts (Religious, Racial, Caste)

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