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India faces three main health issues: Malnutrition, high infant mortality rate and diseases. Despite improvements in the quality of healthcare in the recent years, India still has a high infant mortality of more than 40 per 1000 births and maternal mortality of 2 per 1000 births. Currently, 40% of all deaths in India are due to infections, while the majority of the remainder are caused by non-communicable diseases such as cancer, cardiovascular disease etc. (UCL School of Pharmacy, 2013). Child malnutrition continues to be a prevalent issue in India, with 46% of all children below the 3 years of age are too small for their age, and 47% are underweight. In certain states, child malnutrition can be as high as 55%  (UNICEF, N.A.). In a collaborative study led by the University of Washington and the Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation in 2010 studying the details of death and disability, it was found that India was performing the worst in terms of its citizen’s health care. In all aspects, India ranked near the bottom, just below Bangladesh, Nepal and even Pakistan (Nagarajan, 2013).

Features of Healthcare in India

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