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Policies and Measures Taken

  1. National Health Policy (NHP) 1983
    In 1983, the National Health Policy (NHP) was introduced with the aim of achieving “Health for All” by 2000 through stressing the creation of strong primary health infrastructure, increasing the involvement of volunteer organizations and providing quality health-related services such as safe drinking water. In order to achieve the above aims, the United Nations’ Millennium Development Goals (MDGs) worked in tandem with the NHP to “reduce by half the proportion of people without sustainable access to safe drinking water and basic sanitation” and other services crucial to basic health.

    Despite the many lofty aims, the National Health Policy minor results. Thus, there was a revision of the NHP in 2002 as the loft goals were not met. When the new NHP was proposed, the goal was to set “an acceptable standard of good health among the general population of the country” by 2015 and increase government healthcare spending from 0.9% to 2% of GDP by 2010. As of 2010, government healthcare spending has increased to 1.4% according to the Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development fact book, but the projected 2% has not yet been met (Hegyi, N.A.).


  2. National Rural Health Mission (NRHM) 2005
    To cope with the demand of human resources in health care, the Union health ministry increased the number of seats available in various Indian medical colleges and also initiated upgrading of 19 government-owned medical colleges to strengthed tiertiary health care delivery. To increase the number of doctors practicing in rural areas, the health ministry announced that 50% of seats in post-graduate courses would be reserved for government medical officers who have served in rural areas for 3 years, and a percentage of marks given for each year of rural practice to the national entrance examinations to the PG courses. (Kumar, 2013) However, the policy was met with little success.

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