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Environmental Sustainability

India is currently experiencing rapid and widespread environmental degradation at alarming rates while supporting a huge population. Due to this massive overpopulation, tremendous pressure has been placed upon the country's land and natural resources. (Foundation for Sustainable Development, N.A.) Economic growth of India as a result of attempts to bring the the majority of the nation out of the state of poverty has been negatively reflected on the environment. India is now dealing with air and water pollution, soil depletion. Coupled by climatic conditions such as extreme flooding and droughts, the environment of India is in danger of being unable to support the population in the long run. However, although the environmental conditions of India are not as positive as other countries, India is faring fairly well in comparison. This is due to the efforts put in by the government and their people. Let us first take a deeper look at the environment issues that India face before finding out more about the actions taken by the nation.

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